CBM's CBID Report 2023:

Building Inclusive Communities from the Ground Up

Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID) is a way of working that ensures persons with disabilities are respected and included in their communities on an equal basis, in all aspects of life. CBM's CBID work focuses specifically on disaster risk reduction for persons with disabilities, inclusive health, inclusive education and livelihoods. Our global CBID portfolio currently includes 166 projects implemented with 135 partners in 30 countries.

CBID is essential for driving disability- inclusive development in today's world and is at the heart of CBM's work. Our CBID Report 2023 describes what the CBID approach entails and what it looks like in practise, with details from projects around the world and stories from people who have participated.

In the report, you can find out why the CBID approach is a key part of the new CBM Strategy 2030, which focuses on community support services and systems for persons with disabilities.

You can also learn about our new digital tool, the Inclusive Participation Toolbox, and our new research publications, which aim to support academics, international organisations, governments and practitioners in developing policies and practises for the inclusion of persons with disabilities.

Despite all the current geopolitical challenges, there is a window of opportunity to advance the development of more inclusive communities. Again and again, I feel deeply impressed and energised when I witness how collective engagement and community mobilisation bring out the best in people around the world.

Dominique Schlupkothen

Director, Community Based Inclusive Development

Get the report here

Our CBID projects

  • 166 Projects funded
  • 79.5 million Multi-year budget (EUR)
  • 30 Countries
  • 135 Partners